Nirikshak Bot
Nirikshak Bot

The theme is set in an industrial manufacturing ball balancing platform. A maze is attached on top of it. A conveyor belt keeps dropping balls at regular intervals on the ball balancing platform. The goal is to make the balls traverse through the maze on defined paths within a stipulated amount of time in order to determine the quality of the platform manufactured.

#Coppeliasim#Image Processing#python
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Self Driving Car in Gazebo Simulator
Self Driving Car in Gazebo Simulator

A ROS2 and Gazebo simulation-based project on a self-driving car that is able to navigate through a track provided by NXP AIM INDIA. Designed a custom skin to improve look and feel, interfaced laser sensor to car model. Developed obstacle avoidance, object detections, sign recognition, pedestrian tracking, reverse mode, and trajectory planner.

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